Training Options

Training is not supposed to be boring or a task that you must do because your doctor, friends or family told you, you need to get in shape. We want to create enthusiasm when you train with us, that’s why NickHomeFit offers you many diverse training programs to chose from, each can be incorporated in each training sessions or separated depending on your goals and objectives. From private, semi-private to small groups we can combine a fun yet intense workout. Our programs are for all levels from total beginners to athletes, we adapt each training session to you and your capabilities. We keep it fresh and new and want to keep you motivated to train your hardest without getting bored of the same old training routines.

We use the newest tools and are up to date with the newest studies and most effective training methods, which will get the results you are looking for. Our training is intense but we work together as a team and motivate you in a positive way and challenge you mentally and physically to surpass yourself and get you to your maximum potential, all in a safe and practical manner.